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Be turned in a sentence

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Sentence count:122Posted:2020-08-08Updated:2020-08-08
Similar words: returnedreturn journeyreturnerreturneeturnedturned onupturnedturned-on
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61 Well , uselessness can be turned into usefulness.
62 Currently, the servers found in most data centres continue to slurp energy even when their processors are idle because the server memory cannot be turned off without affecting performance.
63 And so on and so forth...Before we are forgotten, we will be turned into kitsch.
63 is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
64 Ip forwarding must be turned off in the bastion host.
65 The Microsoft Sidewinder Steering wheel uses combined pedals as a default setting, this will need to be turned off in order to perform some maneuvers such as left foot braking.
66 He may be turned from side to supine to prone position.
67 Modern humanism regards the whole interests and mutual benefits of human being as its beginning point, finally has to be turned into the practical action of every citizen.
68 The FAP's fluorescence can be turned on and off by adding or removing the fluorogen, a characteristic that makes the fluoromodules more useful than other fluorescent proteins.
69 Even on the Tsaritsyn review ground they wouldn't be turned off.
70 The electricity supply must be turned off at the mains before you alter the lighting circuit.
71 The liquid extract is transferred to the turban film evaporator to be turned into a concentrate.
72 The display of this optional information can be turned on or off.
73 When the set we study is finite. fuzzy relation can be turned into fuzzy matrix.
74 Fur hat that is native to Poland; it has ear flaps that can be turned up and tied on top of the head.
75 While a black man can be turned out of a car in Massachusetts, Massachusetts is a slave State.
76 Surplus equipment should be turned over to the higher authorities.
77 The well - crystallized kaolinite could be turned into intercalated and amorphous derivatives by controlling reaction conditions.
78 Shortly after the Egyptian turmoil began, Google established a call-in line on which Egyptians could leave a voicemail, which could then be turned into messages distributed on Twitter.
79 Stem cells are transmutable, meaning they can be turned into any type of cell.
80 He doesn't, of course, want the "gay writer" tag to be turned against him, to be an excuse to marginalise his work.
81 It is said that building will be turned into a secret military installation.
82 To facilitate the grading process, we ask that each numbered homework problem be turned in as a separate packet.
83 Many machining operations require coolant for lubrication and cooling purposes. Coolant can be turned on and off form within the machine cycle.
84 Practice has proved that effective human resources management can be turned into a company's financial income.
85 The catsuit comes with a zip that runs just above the bust and underneath the arms meaning the outfit can be turned into a bandeau to completely transform the look.
86 Our gratefulness shall not be turned into idolization. Instead reciprocate to his true love - other sentient being.
87 On the surface of the hatstand base, concave hatstand-foot grooves are arranged at equal distances. The two foldable sections of the hatstand foot can be turned into the hatstand-foot grooves.
88 VIII. In case of offenses in violation of this decision, duly retroactively paid or confiscated property and fines shall be turned to the state coffers without any exception.
89 Urgent tasks are those that must be done right away to avoid a major problem, such as paying the electric bill today because your electricity will be turned off tomorrow.
90 The defective bearing bushes should be turned out of the bedplate and renewed.
More similar words: returnedreturn journeyreturnerreturneeturnedturned onupturnedturned-onturned outunturnedoverturnedwell-turnedleave no stone unturnedburnedreturnspurnedburned-outburned outunburnedon the turnin returnreturn tosunburnedturnerreturningtax returntake turnsday returnincome returnreturn code
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